Zoey and I trekked up to Lexington, VA & the Virginia Horse Center this past weekend for the Dressage at Lexington show.
The show is three days, so we headed up late Wednesday and had all day Thursday to settle in. Friday was basically a warm up day for me, as I entered Intro Test B since they didn’t seem to offer the para tests on Friday. Saturday we were entered in the Grade 3 Individual test and Sunday our first ever freestyle.

Photo by: Pics of You
I haven’t shown at the Virginia Horse Center since they had the combined driving event there in 2006 (2005? that makes me feel old), so it was fun to go back. The facility is fantastic, my pony’s stall was huge, and the town of Lexington is so cute. And since I was there last, they built hotels at the exit so everything was close. Was hoping the weather would be a little cooler, but the humidity didn’t break until Saturday but was bearable.
All of my tests were in the same covered arena, so Thursday, Zoey and I schooled over there on Thursday. Unfortunately, this first ride was about the best one Zoey and I had all weekend. Probably nerves on my part the following days, but this day Zoey was forward and attentive, but it was also late afternoon when we rode, so maybe Zoey could see better. The following days, she claimed the open doors and people were going to get her. But, at least forward and listening is in the blonde princess somewhere.
Friday was our Intro Test

Photo by: Pics of You
We had a 10:00 AM ride time, so it was at least not so boiling out yet for our test. Amy had fed and braided my pony that morning (thanks Amy!!) so wasn’t to hurried and got Zoey ready and headed over to our ring. The warm up was a little busy and sometimes that is difficult for me. I am not used to how close people will pass you riding vs. driving! But we got through it, did a bunch of transitions, etc. Zoey was pretty good, she did keep looking at the open door on the side of the ring and was not as forward as we need to be, but the walk was better than in the past.
We ended up with a 65% and won the class, so that was nice. This show had awesome prizes, which you got to choose from when you picked up your score. I chose a little grooming/braiding kit. So that was cool.
Ended up spending the afternoon watching other people go, took Zoey for a little walk etc. My mom and I went to a restaurant in Downtown Lexington called The Palms…it was so good.