Made a little video from the second of two days that we did with Stephen Hayes. Zoey was super bratty the second day and decided the people and the ring were scary. So I was glad we were able to get through it.
Stephen Hayes Dressage
You can learn more about Stephen Hayes at his website.

Wasn’t super sure what to expect with this clinic, but it was another opportunity to take Zoey out and about, so it seemed like a good idea. For some reason, Zoey doesn’t seem to like covered arenas very much. I am not sure what is up with that, or if it is just imagined on my part!! But the host of the clinic, Breezy Hill Farm, has a beautiful covered arena (thank goodness because it was basically 5000 degrees out), so that was good practice as well.
The first day, we mostly worked on contact issues, Zoey was a little bit backed off, so this makes getting her connected and coming from behind much more difficult for me. But we had a productive lesson and were glad that he was not afraid to push Zoey and I to be better.
Second day, Zoey decided the ring and people were scary so we ended up spending most of the time trying to go forward and listen to me. Not sure why she had such a bee in her bonnet, other than it being 5000 degrees outside and not particularly wanting to work. We did end up having some good trot work at the end, although a decent downward transition remains elusive for me!!
All and all we had a positive experience – always learning.