Zoey and I participated in a schooling show held at Three Runs Plantation here in Aiken. Three Runs is a planned equestrian community, and the show was held in the rings that are part of the common areas that residents can use. Kind of cool and, admittedly, more swanky than those of us here in Windsor Trace.
Because we are such high achievers, Zoey and I entered Intro A and Intro B. Lucky us, Intro went very first of the day. On one hand, our rides would be done before it got really warm. On the other hand, anyone who knows me, knows that it is entirely possible I could sleep through a 9 a.m. dressage test! The struggle is real!
I managed to haul my ass out of bed and load Zoey. We arrived at the show right at 8 a.m.!
Zoey has not done as much traveling by herself, but she was unconcerned by that. She was concerned about the drain outside the arena entrance. She was fairly certain it could swallow her. We managed to make it by without any loss of life or limb and into the warmup ring.
We just trotted some circles and serpentines to warm up, as well as some transitions. Intro test A is super weird, first there is no halt or salute in the beginning. Then they have you walk up the final centerline. Walking up centerline is actually kind of tough. Especially with Zoey, who is pretty convinced walking is for resting only. But she was super good.
In between tests, Amy attempted to straighten out Zoey’s forelock. Zoey promptly flung it all around.

My Mom
Intro Test B is not as weird. Zoey was super again, but straighter this time. I have to get used to riding in a ridden size ring. It still seems so small. But none of our figures were way off. Overall we just need more consistency, I think. Zoey has come a long way since the little schooling show we did in December.
We ended up winning Intro B with a 71% and second in Intro A with 67.1%. So that was cool. Onward and upward.