
Meghan Benge
July was unusually hot here in South Carolina. It was still warm around midnight on the 28th, when I went down to the barn to check on our broodmare, Vanna. Since she was pasture bred, we had waited until Vanna’s foal from 2014 had been weaned to breed her for this year.
She had been unconcerned about the heat until about a week prior, when temperatures climbed up to the triple digits.
The night before, she was a little sweaty around 2 a.m. and I was certain “tonight would be the night.” So I kept a close eye, thinking it would be early morning when she foaled. She held it in. But I was still thinking it would be early morning when I trooped down at midnight.
Sneaky, sneaky mare! I think I may be investing in a foal camera for next year. A dark bay colt, just born minutes prior, was already attempting to stand on his long legs. He was up and nursing within half an hour. He is completely perfect, dark bay with a perfect circle on his forehead. I decided to call him Sunny, partly because his full sister is Moonie. Also because he has a sunny disposition, he has been completely vibrant from the get-go.
Details: He is a Section B Welsh colt, by our stallion Tylwyth Mystic Prince out of our mare Cllynncopa (I probably spelled that wrong) Vanityfayre. He will probably be around 13.2 hands and grey out.
So far his favorite activities are: galloping, bucking, rearing and rolling. He is super friendly and growing like a weed. I am a little enamored.