Zoey and I competed in our first ridden dressage show, the first weekend in December. Zoey and I have shown a lot in driving shows, but this was our first riding show. Luckily, it was schooling show about 10 miles from my farm, so not a too high pressure situation. I have not been cantering Zoey yet, so we did Intro Test B.


Photo by: Meghan Benge
Luckily, my friend and coach happened to bring a sale pony down to do the schooling horse trials, so I had a watchful eye on me. Also, someone to throw me on the pony. Getting on is difficult at my height. Have not really found a great safe or portable mounting block. Zoey is pretty great about standing, so I got on her from my mother’s truck tailgate. Zoey and I had plenty of time to walk around while Leyla (the pony) and Erin (the rider) did their dressage test. I struggle with consistent pace both riding and driving, so I just wanted to go and not get too fast in the ring.

This photo and all others on this page by Miranda Cadwell
A 20×40 ridden dressage ring seems so tiny after driving in a 40×100 driven dressage ring, especially when you have to turn up centerline. I had not ridden but once in an actual ring before this, so I was pretty happy our figures were not so bad. And we made it up centerline without completely overshooting it. But we did the whole test without looking too much like we don’t know what we are doing! And scored a 67.5%. Finally being in the sixties is a good thing.

Photo by: Miranda Cadwell

Photo by: Miranda Cadwell
It definitely was not a big show or the best I have ever ridden, but I am glad I went. Part of me thought that I could not do this, but with support of friends and family I have been able to do the most fun things. Having a super talented pony helps, too.
Gratuitous Zoey pictures follow…